2022-2023 United Students Government Open Legislative Positions:
Legislative Branch Position Available
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Follow the instructions below!
Re-Registration Process for Returning Student Organizations
Student organizations already recognized at Buffalo State must apply for re-registration on an annual basis. It is the responsibility of the student organization to complete this process. Failure to comply with the re-registration process may result in a revocation of your student organization’s registration status.
The re-registration period each year will begin on April 1st and end on May 31st each academic year.
Complete the student organization re-registration process via Bengal Connect.
Provide an updated active membership roster, including the newly elected executive board (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary) for the upcoming academic year. All executive board members must be registered as full-time (12 credits), matriculated Buffalo State students.
Submit the student organization’s most recent constitution and by-laws on Bengal Connect.
Submit an updated Advisor Agreement Form. Student organization advisors must be a full-time Buffalo State faculty/staff member. If you need a new advisor, the Student Leadership & Engagement Office can assist in matching you to a full-time faculty/staff member through the Advisor Interest Form.
Mandatory Student Organization Meeting – Monday, August 29th (5:00pm – 9:00pm)
All student organizations will be required to attend the mandatory annual meeting on Monday, August 29th from 5:00pm – 9:00pm (location TBD) with Student Leadership and Engagement and the United Students Government (USG) to be trained on Buffalo State policies and procedures. The executive board for each student organization will be required to attend this meeting. Failure to do so may result in the following:
All current space reservations will be placed on hold.
Unable to reserve future space in the Campbell Student Union, Butler Library, Academic Buildings, Recreation Fields, and the Houston Gym and Sports Arena.
Interested in Becoming a USG Senator?
Interested in USG Judicial Council?
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