The Constitution of the United Students Government is a constantly evolving document. The officers of USG regularly review the policies set in the Constitution and make adjustments to fit the changing needs of the organization and keep it operating on solid ground.
The Rules & Regulations Chair and Rules & Regulations Committee are charged with keeping the constitution and operating rules of the student government organized and available, evaluating proposed changes to the rules, and ensuring that USG and all members operate within the parameters of the rules. The committee also advises member organizations and aspiring member organizations on writing or revising their constitutions and organizational rules. The Judicial Council uses the Constitution as its guide in making decisions on grievances, disputes, and questioned legislation.
The USG Constitution includes the legal procedures of the student government and the responsibilities of the officers of USG and members of USG organizations. Any questions about the Constitution should be addressed to the Rules & Regulations Chair.
The current constitution reflects all changes as of January 2022.
United Students Government (USG)
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