United Students Government Application
Qualifications of USG Executive Branch Members
1. Candidates must currently be matriculated undergraduate students enrolled full time and have no Conduct violations or outstanding Conduct sanctions.
2. Must be an activity fee paying member of the USG (all matriculated full time undergraduate students meet this requirement by paying the mandatory student activity fee).
3. Maintain cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50.
4. Must resign any officer position they may have in any of the USG organizations.
5. Candidates for the position of USG President, USG Executive Vice President and USG Treasurer must have served at least 1 (one) full year as a United Students Government Senator or Executive Board member.
6. First semester freshmen or transfers must earn the appropriate GPA (as noted above) in the spring semester for any office they are a candidate for.
Qualifications of USG Senators:
1. Candidates must currently be matriculated undergraduate students enrolled full time and have no Conduct violations or outstanding Conduct sanctions.
2. Must be activity fee paying members of the USG (all matriculated full time undergraduate students meet this requirement by paying the mandatory student activity fee).
3. Maintain cumulative grade point average of at least 2.25.
4. Cannot hold the position of President, Vice President, Treasurer or Organization Representative in any of the USG Organizations.
5. First semester freshmen or transfers must earn the appropriate GPA (as noted above) in the spring semester for any office they are a candidate for.
Qualifications of USG Judicial Council:
1. Candidates must currently be matriculated undergraduate students enrolled full time and have no Conduct violations or outstanding Conduct sanctions.
2. Must be activity fee paying members of the USG (all matriculated full time undergraduate students meet this requirement by paying the mandatory student activity fee).
3. Justices shall not serve as voting members on any committee of the USG.
4. While in office all members of the Judicial Council must maintain at least a 2.50 cumulative grade point average. If any justice falls below the 2.50 cumulative grade point average while in office, they will be given one semester to raise their GPA to a 2.50. This will be considered a probation period for the Justice. If by the end of the following semester they are not at a 2.50 cumulative grade point average the justice will be removed from the council.
Any undergraduate student that meets the requirements above can run for any of the elected USG positions. Applications to run for office open in early December with a deadline in February. Elections are held in March. Students elected to office serve a term of one year beginning the subsequent June 1. The appointed executive board positions are filled by the legislative branch once the elected executive board is in place.
United Students Government (USG)
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