USG Student Organizations
There are many opportunities for students to get involved in campus life through student groups. The groups below are the ones that USG provides and supports. Each of these Student Organizations has a dedicated web page included on the Bengal Connect site that includes information on the group's purpose, activities and leaders and how to contact them.
These organizations are recognized, and many funded, by United Students Government (USG) through the mandatory student activity fee.
Students seeking to establish a new organization should verify that the proposed organization does not already exist or resemble the mission of another student organization in some capacity. If you are just getting started trying to establish a student organization on campus you first must apply for recognition by Buffalo State through the Student Leadership and Engagement office before you can apply for USG Recognition.
USG recognizes and funds qualified student organizations at Buffalo State. The process takes time and only groups that have established themselves on campus and have a record of public events and activities over a couple of semesters are considered. Only organizations that have received Buffalo State recognition can apply for USG recognition and funding.
The Rules Committee will be the initial judges of your eligibility with the USG Senate eventually making the final decision. The sooner you contact the Rules Chair and open a dialogue the more smoothly your application is likely to go. The Rules Chair keeps office hours in Campbell Student Union 105E and can be contacted at 878-6701 or
USG has prepared a document with information on Becoming a USG Recognized Organization that can be viewed or downloaded as a PDF here.
There is a Constitution Template USG would like all organizations applying for recognition to use in creating their constitution and by-laws. Using this template (included in the PDF above) will ensure that your constitution includes all of the elements that USG will require in order to approve the document and grant your group recognition. If you would like a Word.doc version of the template you can request it from the Rules and Regulations Chair.
Have a question about USG? Click the link below for Frequently Asked Questions, or visit the USG Directory and email the individual(s) you have questions for.
USG provides various services for students at Buffalo State in an effort to make their time on campus more productive, enjoyable, and safe. Here are some of the current services sponsored by USG through the mandatory student activity fee:
Student Orgs in Action