Event Planning Tips & Tricks
Start planning an event by utilizing the forms on this website. The forms take you from the idea stage, to planning, advertising and evaluating an event.
Set a budget and stick to it. Review your expenses to determine if any of them can be done for free by utilizing on-campus groups and/or resources.
Secure a location! A lot of times this needs to be the first step after confirming your organization will plan an event. Space is limited, consider collaborating with other organizations. This also helps extend both groups’ budgets.
Set a schedule of tasks utilizing a Things To Do task sheet. This sheet will make sure you capture all tasks, make plans to delegate them and confirm they are done. Don’t leave everything to the last minute so you can take your time! Schedule your tasks in your calendar. Start from the day of the event and work backwards.
Stay Organized
Be prepared! Always attend a meeting with a pen, paper and your calendar. If you’re at an event planning meeting make sure to bring your event folder with your budget, notes and contacts.
Always write everything down! Every task, meeting and event. Make sure to have a master calendar that includes your personal responsibilities as well as your school commitments and organization meetings and events.
Set reminders! In this day and age there is no reason to be late or not complete something. Almost every electronic device we own has the capability to set a calendar, reminders and alarms. Use them.
Looing ahead, keep a record of how the event was put together! For example: a system of folders and binders. Folders for each event, reference binders for past events and one main binder for your budget and calendar. Find a way to make sure they are accessible to everyone in your group who will need them now and in the future. At the end of each semester review them, keep what is still needed, file it properly and recycle the rest.
You are not alone! Remember to delegate and utilize your committee and organization members. Many hands make for less work. Just remember to check in and make sure tasks were completed.
Evaluate & Reflect
Enjoy the moment, you've just facilitated a successful event for your campus community! Take time to evaluate and reflect on the event. What went well? What could have gone better?