Things to Keep in Mind
Effective advertising should be part of the initial planning for any event or activity your group sponsors. The nature of the event or activity will suggest an audience and you should consider how best to reach that audience and interest them in what you're planning. Publicity should begin about two weeks before the event date but only after your event has been submitted and approved on Bengal Connect.
Some things to remember:
- If you are charging admission to the event you will have to sell advance tickets through the Rockwell Hall Box Office. Make sure that complete ticket information is included on all printed material for your event.
- Nothing will be printed or should be distributed until your event has been submitted and approved on Bengal Connect
- Everything should state that your group is funded by USG through the mandatory student activity fee
- For more information, please contact the USG Business Staff
There are various media available to students at Buffalo State: The Record online newspaper, WBNY radio, BSC-TV, the USG Media Sign in the Plaza, USG Toilet Talks, not to mention the social media platforms your group may choose to create and use. Once your event is approved on Bengal Connect it will automatically appear on the Bengal Connect events calendar and be accessible through the Corq mobile app. You can also submit your event to the Buffalo State website so that it appears on the calendar there.
Posters & Flyers
Posters and flyers distributed around campus, particularly in the student union, are an excellent way to publicize events! For any print needs, USG recommends using the Buffalo State Creative Services Department as they accept our purchase orders for design and print work.
When putting together a flyer or press release remember that you not only want to attract the attention of your potential audience but you want to answer their questions...
- "What is it, when is it, where is it, and who is facilitating this event?"
- “What makes this activity notable and worth my time (and money) and support?”
- “Do I have the answers to all my questions and if not do I know where to get those answers?”