Organization Treasurer's Role

Treasurer's Guide

As an elected Treasurer of a USG organization you will be trained in USG financial procedures by the USG Treasurer. At that time you will be given the documents and tools you will use to fulfill your duties; some of which including, but not limited to:

  • The treasurer is an elected executive board member of each organization. Only one student can assume the role of treasurer in an organization and have the authority to sign paper work.
  • The treasurer of a funded organization is responsible for keeping records showing the accurate financial position of the organization.
  • Funded USG organization treasurers are obligated to attend all meetings scheduled by the USG Treasurer. These meetings are communicated well in advance through email and announcements on the USG website and Bengal Connect.

More information can be found throughout the Treasurers and Organizations sections of this website to reinforce and augment your training. You should be familiar with all of the information in these sections. You and the officers of your club can use these sections to plan events, advertise your group's activities, and arrange travel for members of your organization on field trips or to conferences!

The USG Treasurer and the USG Business Office Staff (Business Manager and Accounts Payable) are available to answer any questions you may have!

USG Funds May Not be Used for...

  • Religious or political activity not deemed educational.
  • Donations to organizations outside of the university.
  • The personal use of oneself or a group of students, for an activity not related to USG or its organizations.
  • Raffles cannot be conducted by student organizations. They are considered illegal according to the New York State Constitution unless operated by the State as authorized and prescribed by the Legislature (Article 1, Section 9).
  • Faculty and Staff of Buffalo State cannot receive an honorarium to speak at an event.
  • Honoring verbal contracts.

Important Note

The treasurer of a USG organization is the ONLY person who can sign purchase orders and contracts for that organization. The treasurer MUST be registered with the USG Business Office before they will be allowed to perform these functions.