46th Legislature News Updates

December 2023

  • A Statement Addressing the USG Corporate Meeting

    To the Campus Community at Buffalo State University,

    We would like to acknowledge the events that took place at the USG Corporate Meeting on December 4th, 2023. For many, the atmosphere was unsettling and uncomfortable, and for that we apologize. We would also like to express regret for the actions taken by various USG representatives. These actions were unprofessional and inappropriate in nature. We are looking internally to execute measures to rectify the issue above.

    Though frustrations brought to the meeting are valid and being reviewed, the manner in which they were presented was not conducive to create a productive and meaningful conversation. Our attempt to adjourn the meeting was not with the intention to silence any voice in the room, but to deescalate the situation and to uphold some semblance of decorum. After numerous students and staff members approached USG representatives stating their concerns and discomfort, the decision was made to conclude the meeting in the interest of everyone’s well-being.

    We are working to address your concerns as quickly as possible but are asking for your patience while we communicate with the responsible parties. This is a busy time of year for all students, with the closing of the semester, so it may take time to come to a resolution. We are asking that if there are any organizations with specific concerns, please reach out to Tayllor Clark (USG President), Allarae Prigan (USG Vice President), and Jessica Agu (USG Treasurer). Our contact information can be found below.

    At the end of the day, we are all passionate about our individual organizations and we’re hoping we can put our differences aside and work together for the betterment of student life at Buffalo State.


    The United Students Government

    Tayllor P. Clark – usgpresident@buffalostate.edu 

    Allarae J. Prigan – usgvicepresident@buffalostate.edu

    Jessica O. Agu – usgtreasurer@buffalostate.edu