Past Officers of the United Students Government at Buffalo State College/University

The first USG Constitution was approved by student referendum during the 1971 spring semester. The first officers were elected at the end of that semester.

Don Houck, President
Tom Williams, Vice President
Rick Pict or, Treasurer
Margaret. Burke, Vice Treasurer

Mark Evans, President
Sonia Socha, Vice President
Steven Baskin, Treasurer
Sharon Marcus, Vice Treasurer

Robin Russell, President
Gregory Duck, Vice President
Irwin Gilbert, Treasurer
Steve Mackey, Vice Treasurer (resigned)
Joe Barille, Vice Treasurer (resigned)
Claudia Szabla, Vice Treasurer

(The first three Vice Treasurers were elected to office. All subsequent Vice Treasurers were appointed.)

Lauren Stern, President (resigned)
Anne Tindall, Vice President/President
Mary Jane Kubler. Vice President
Alan Harrington, Treasurer

(President Anne Tindall invalidated the spring 75 election because of irregularities in an unproven computer-card voting system. Sitting officers stayed in office until elections were held at the end of Oct 75.)

John Eberhardt, President
Cathy Heine, Vice President
Richard Bishop, Treasurer

Joseph Zeller, President (resigned)
Charles Ash Jr., Vice Pres/President
J. Maclin, Vice President
Ebenezer John, Treasurer

The bills of the 77/78 body were called the "1st Legislation."

1977/78- 1st Legislation
Howard Jacoby, President
Daniel McCormick, Vice President (Acting President, Fall Semester)
Franz Ross, Treasurer

1978/79 - 2nd Legislation
Daniel McCormick, President
Lynn Foster, Vice President
Ben Zuffranieri, Treasurer

1979/80 - 3rd Legislation
Peter Stars on, President
Thomas Mayer, Vice President
Ben Zuffranieri, Treasurer

1980/81 - 4th Legislation
Christine Annechino, President
Michael Libratore, Vice President
Richard Camacho, Treasurer

1981/82 - 5th Legislation
Tommie Babbs, President
Tony Tambasco, Vice President
Michael Glass, Treasurer

1982/83 - 6th Legislation
David Costello. President
John Cassaburri, Vice President
Michael Glass. Treasurer

1983/84 - 7th Legislation
David Costello, President
Max Rosenberg, Vice President
Nancy Shapiro, Treasurer

1984/85 - 8th Legislation
Charles Mosey, President
Michael Smith, Vice President
Lisa Goorfin, Treasurer

1985/86- 9th Legislation
Gregory Hoffman, President
Rich Baumert. Vice President
Dan Blanchard, Treasurer

1986/87 - 10th Legislation
David Cywinski, President
Christopher LaMarca, Vice President
Anthony Capece, Treasurer

1987/88 - 11th Legislation
Kevin Smith. President
Scott Pfeffer, Vice President
Bruce Oliphant., Treasurer

1988/89 - 12th Legislation
Ramon Parkins, President
l\!ark Wilkow, Vice President
Timothy Odell, Treasurer

1989/90 - 13th Legislation
Ramon Parkins, President
Christine Pietris, Vice President
Claudell Germain, Treasurer

1990/91 - 14th Legislation
Sue Howard. President
Andrew Jablonski, Vice President
Lorraine Clemente Vasquez, Treasurer

1991/92 - 15th Legislation
Brian Hartman. President
Sue Howard, Vice President (resigned)
Melissa Santos, Vice President
William Ganley, Treasurer

1992/93 - 16th Legislation
Tom Marron, President
Leslie Wallace, Vice President
Billy Richards, Treasurer

1993/94 - 17th Legislation
Robert Buono, President
Mark Alton, Vice President
Billy Richards, Treasurer

1994/95 - 18th Legislation
Robert Buono, President
Doug Joachim, Vice President
Eric Cudek, Treasurer

1995/96 - 19th Legislation
Mark Newsom, President
Ed Jones, Vice President
Bret Jorgensen, Treasurer

1996/97 - 20th Legislation
1Nill Maloney, President
Daniel Velazques, Vice Pres. (resigned)
Kenneth Perrault, Vice President
Christopher Milton, Treasurer

(In 1997 the ''Legislation" designation was changed to "Legislature" to reflect the body rather than the bills passed.)

1997/98 - 21st Legislature
Sheriffe Humphrey, President
Tunisha Walker, Vice President
Marlon Roberts, Treasurer

1998/99 - 22nd Legislature
Nicole Berry, President (resigned)
Daphne Collier, Vice Pres./President
Paulette Bates, Vice President
Marlon Roberts, Treasurer

1999/2000 - 23rd Legislature
Peter Rodrigo, President
Jeanine Johnson, Vice President
Kim Walker, 'Treasurer

Juan Luciano, President
Jennifer Brader, Vice President
Rich Bagely, Treasurer

2001/02 - 25th Legislature
Fred Cabrera, President
Scott Peasland, Vice Pres. (resigned)
Katherine Trombley, Vice President
Alicia Morant, Treasurer

2002/03 - 26th Legislature
Steve LoBello, President
Mark Corcoran, Vice President
Melvin Cross, Treasurer

2003/04 - 27th Legislature
Kamal Jefferson, President
Todd Espinosa, Vice President
Shawn Lavin, Treasurer

2004/05 - 28th Legislature
Todd Espinosa, President
Kamal Jefferson, Vice Pres. (resigned)
Sharon Sylvester, Vice President
Khari Myers, Treasurer

2005/06 - 29th Legislature
Matthew Levin-Stankevich, President
Dawn Norman, Vice President
Khari Myers, Treasurer (Fall)
Ben Palka, Treasurer (Spring)

2006/07 - 30th Legislature
Matthew Levin-Stankevich, President
Alison Brady, Vice President
Michael St. Rose, Treasurer

2007/08 - 31st Legislature
Michael St. Rose, President (Fall)
Alison Brady, President (Spring)
Alison Brady, Vice President (Fall)
Felipe Perez, Vice President (Spring)
Dominique Gabriel, Treasurer

2008/09 - 32nd Legislature
Dominique Gabriel, President
Huewayne Watson, Vice Pres. (Fall)
Elizabeth Desimone, Vice Pres. (Spring)
Keisha Dolmey, Treasurer

2009/10 - 33rd Legislature
Kafilat Hassan, President
Cassandra Dann , Vice President
Amanda Mavraj, Treasurer

2010-2011 - 34th Legislature
Spencer Meara, President (resigned)
Lindsey Porter, Vice Pres./President
Diamond Brown, Vice President
Joshua Lipka, Treasurer

2011-2012- 35th Legislature
Sara Garfinkle, President
James Huggins, Vice President
Joshua Lipka, Treasurer

2012-2013 - 36th Legislature
Sara Garfinkle, President
Christina Germann, Vice President
Justine Britten, Treasurer

2013-2014 - 37th Legislature
Eric Sauerzopf, President.
Adonis Kernen, Vice President
Justine Britten, Treasurer

2014-2015 - 38th Legislature
Ashleigh Ann Sutherland, President
Emily Leminger, Vice President
Diaisha Richards, Treasurer

2015-2016 - 39th Legislature
Derek Jorden, President
Emily Leminger, Vice President
Diaisha Richards - Treasurer

2016-2017 - 40th Legislature
Terron Grant, President
Idriss Abbas, Vice President
Latia Ebanks, Treasurer

2017-2018 - 41st Legislature
Monique Maxwell, President
Nikita Singh, Vice President
Savannah Morgan, Treasurer

2018-2019 - 42nd Legislature
Joeseph Cicatello, President
Malik Nelson, Vice President
Danielle Gboloo, Treasurer

2019-2020- 43rd Legislature
Gaelle Jean-Baptiste, President
Chyna Richards, Vice President
Tiffany Easy, Treasurer

2020-2021 - 44th Legislature
Jennie Mauk, President
Marita Miller, Vice President
Nicole Gil, Treasurer

2021-2022 -45th Legislature
James Speaker, President
Tayllor Clark, Vice President
Nicole Gil, Treasurer (resigned)
Kat Horton, Treasurer

2022-2023 -46th Legislature
Tayllor Clark, President
Mikeya Nesbitt, Vice President (resigned)
Allarae Prigan, Vice President
Kat Horton, Treasurer (resigned)
Jessica Agu, Treasurer

2023-2024 -47th Legislature
Tayllor Clark, President
Allarae Prigan, Vice President
Jessica Agu, Treasurer